No Limits.

Self managed Twitch Overlay & Bot.

The first developer friendly overlay and bot service for your twitch stream.

OpenOverlay is a Open-Source-Project based on Laravel.

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Overlay Service

Build your own cloud based overlay with no limits. OpenOverlay is build by developers for developers.

Bot Service

Create your own bot with no limits for twitch. Your Bot will have a unique username. From advanced commands to simple responses.

Endless possibilities

Change your overlay based on each twitch event and action. OpenOverlay forwards all events into your laravel project.

How it works? Overlay.

OpenOverlay gives you the possibilities you need to build a high-end overlay for you or your customer's stream. You can develop, deploy and manage the overlay as a normal project. You don't have to deal with unstable browser editors anymore, just use your IDE.

You overlay can change based on

Follows Subscriptions Chat Messages Rewards Raids Hosts Cheers Hype Train Stream Update

How it works? Bot.

OpenOverlay comes with a bot service that can handle easy and advanced commands. Commands can be simple answers or be handled by a class that has complete access to your whole project.

Is it working? Examples.

There a few streamers that already using OpenOverlay on there twitch streams.


VR Streamer who use OpenOverlay to make his stream interactive


Use the basics of OpenOverlay to deliver alerts and notifications.

More information? Good to know.

There a few streamers that already using OpenOverlay on there twitch streams.


OpenOverlay is build with PHP for your Laravel App. You can integrate OpenOverlay in your exciting project or use our standalone version to start from scratch with some overlay examples.

Laravel Docs


OpenOverlay forwards all incoming twitch events throw your Laravel App with the help of the Laravel Events system. You can also listen to these events in Javascript with Laravel Echo.

Laravel Echo Laravel Websockets